Helm parameters reference

Use the following parameters to edit your Streams configuration.

5 minute read

Description of the Helm parameters that you can change to customize your Streams configuration.

MariaDB parameters

Parameter Description Mandatory Default value
embeddedMariadb.enabled MariaDB installed in K8s with the Helm chart. If set to false, the externalizedMariadb parameter will be used no true
embeddedMariadb.tls.enabled MariaDB TLS enabled no true
embeddedMariadb.encryption.enabled MariaDB Transparent Data Encryption enabled no true
embeddedMariadb.metrics.enabled Activate metrics endpoint for MariaDB no false
embeddedMariadb.maxConnections Maximum number of parallel client connections to MariaDB no 500
embeddedMariadb.waitTimeout Time in seconds that MariaDB waits for activity on a connection before closing it no 300
externalizedMariadb.host Host of the externalized MariaDB (Only used when embeddedMariadb.enabled set to false) no my.db.host
externalizedMariadb.port Port of the externalized MariaDB (Only used when embeddedMariadb.enabled set to false) no 3306
externalizedMariadb.db.name Name of the MySQL database used for Streams (Only used when embeddedMariadb.enabled set to false) no streams
externalizedMariadb.db.user Username of the externalized MariaDB used by Streams (Only used when embeddedMariadb.enabled set to false) no streams
externalizedMariadb.rootUsername Root username of the externalized MariaDB used by Streams (Only used when embeddedMariadb.enabled set to false) no root
externalizedMariadb.tls.enabled Externalized MariaDB TLS enabled (Only used when embeddedMariadb.enabled set to false) no true
externalizedMariadb.tls.twoWay Externalized MariaDB Two-Way TLS enabled (only used when embeddedMariadb.enabled set to false) no true

Kafka parameters

Parameter Description Mandatory Default value
embeddedKafka.enabled Kafka installed in K8s with the Helm chart. If set to false, the externalizedKafka parameter will be used no true
embeddedKafka.auth.clientProtocol Authentication protocol used by Kafka client (must be “sasl_tls” or “plaintext”) no sasl_tls
embeddedKafka.auth.interBrokerProtocol Authentication protocol internally used by Kafka broker (must be “sasl_tls” or “plaintext”) no sasl_tls
embeddedKafka.metrics.jmx.enabled Activate metrics endpoint for Kafka no false
externalizedKafka.bootstrapServers List of externalized Kafka bootstrap servers used by Streams (only used when embeddedKafka.enabled set to false) no my.broker.1:port,my.broker.2:port
externalizedKafka.auth.clientUsername Username of the externalized Kafka used by Streams. Only used when embeddedKafka.enabled is set to false) no streams
externalizedKafka.auth.clientProtocol Authentication protocol used by Kafka client (must be “sasl_tls” or “plaintext”. Only used when embeddedKafka.enabled is set to false)) no sasl_tls

Zookeeper parameters

Parameter Description Mandatory Default value
zookeeper.metrics.enabled Activate metrics endpoint for Zookeeper no false

Ingress parameters

Parameter Description Mandatory Default value
nginx-ingress-controller.enabled Enable/Disable NGINX no true
ingress.host Domain name used for incoming HTTP requests if nginx-ingress-controller.enabled is set to true yes N/A
ingress.tlsenabled Enable embedded ingress SSL/TLS no true
ingress.tlsSecretName Embedded ingress SSL/TLS certificate secret name no streams-ingress-tls-secret
ingress.annotations."nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/enable-cors" Enable cross origin requests no false
ingress.annotations."nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/cors-allow-origin" Allow cross origin requests for the given domains no N/A
nginx-ingress-controller.service.annotations."service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-type" Request a loadbalancer on AWS. For example, with the “nlb” value) no N/A
nginx-ingress-controller.metrics.enabled Activate metrics endpoint for Ingress controller no false

Streams parameters

Parameter Description Mandatory Default value
acceptGeneralConditions Accept General Conditions yes N/A
images.repository Streams Images repository yes docker.repository.axway.com/axwaystreams-docker-prod-ptx/2.0
imagePullSecrets[0].name Image registry keys no streams-docker-registry-secret
hub.replicaCount Hub replica count no 1 (2 HA)
hub.service.port HTTP port to reach the Streams Topics API no 8080
subscriberSse.enabled Enable/Disable Subscriber SSE no true
subscriberSse.replicaCount Subscriber SSE replica count no 1 (2 HA)
subscriberSse.service.port HTTP port to subscribe to a topic no 8080
subscriberWebhook.enabled Enable/Disable Subscriber Webhook no true
subscriberWebhook.replicaCount Subscriber Webhook replica count no 1 (2 HA)
subscriberWebhook.service.port HTTP port to subscribe to a topic no 8080
subscriberWebSocket.enabled Enable/Disable Subscriber WebSocket no false
subscriberWebSocket.replicaCount Subscriber WebSocket replica count no 1 (2 HA)
subscriberWebSocket.service.port HTTP port to subscribe to a topic no 8080
subscriberKafka.enabled Enable/Disable Subscriber Kafka no false
subscriberKafka.replicaCount Subscriber Kafka replica count no 1 (2 HA)
subscriberKafka.service.port HTTP port to subscribe to a topic no 8080
publisherHttpPoller.enabled Enable/Disable Publisher HTTP Poller no true
publisherHttpPoller.replicaCount Publisher HTTP Poller replica count no 1 (2 HA)
publisherHttpPost.enabled Enable/Disable Publisher HTTP Post no true
publisherHttpPost.replicaCount Publisher HTTP Post replica count no 1 (2 HA)
publisherHttpPost.service.port HTTP port to publish to a topic no 8080
publisherKafka.enabled Enable/Disable Publisher Kafka no false
publisherKafka.replicaCount Publisher Kafka replica count no 1 (2 HA)
publisherSfdc.enabled Enable/Disable Publisher SFDC no false
publisherSfdc.replicaCount Publisher SFDC replica count no 1 (2 HA)
streams.extraCertificatesSecrets List of secrets containing TLS certs to add as trusted by Streams no []
actuator.prometheus.enabled Activate metrics endpoints for Streams services no false
streams.serviceArgs.spring.datasource.hikari.maxLifetime Maximum lifetime in milliseconds for a Streams database connection no 280000
discoveryAgent.enabled Activate integration with Amplify Central yes false
discoveryAgent.apigateway.baseURL The base URL of the deployed Axway APIGateway yes N/A
discoveryAgent.apimanager.host The APIManager host yes N/A
discoveryAgent.apimanager.port The APIManager port no 8075
discoveryAgent.apimanager.auth.username Link to the Secret provisioned on Central no @Secret.streams-apimanager-secret.authUsername
discoveryAgent.apimanager.auth.password Link to the Secret provisioned on Central no @Secret.streams-apimanager-secret.authPassword
discoveryAgent.apimanager.streamsJWTTokenAPIFrontendName The front-end name of the Streams JWT token API provisioned on the API Manager no Streams Subscribers SSE Auth
discoveryAgent.apimanager.streamsJWTTokenAPISecurityType The security type configured for the Streams JWT token API provisioned on the API Manager no api-key
discoveryAgent.subscriberSSE.publicBaseURL The public URL of the Streams subscriber SSE API yes N/A
traceabilityAgent.enabled Activate traceability with Amplify Central yes false
traceabilityAgent.ingestion.host Traceability ingestion host yes ingestion.datasearch.axway.com:5044
traceabilityAgent.ingestion.usageReporting.url Traceability usage reporting URL yes https://lighthouse.admin.axway.com
central.organizationID Your Amplify Central organization ID no N/A
central.environment Your Amplify Central environment, as shown in topology no N/A
central.url Amplify Central URL no https://apicentral.axway.com
central.auth.clientID Client ID in the service account associated with your key pair no N/A
central.auth.url Amplify Central authentication URL no https://login.axway.com/auth

Monitoring parameters

Parameter Description Mandatory Default value
embeddedMariadb.metrics.enabled Activate metrics endpoint for MariaDB no false
zookeeper.metrics.enabled Activate metrics endpoint for Zookeeper no false
embeddedKafka.metrics.jmx.enabled Activate metrics endpoint for Kafka no false
nginx-ingress-controller.metrics.enabled Activate metrics endpoint for Ingress controller no false
actuator.prometheus.enabled Activate metrics endpoints for Streams services no false

Configure parameters from a dependency chart

To configure a parameter from a dependency chart, for example, MariaDB, Kafka, Zookeeper, or Nginx, you must add the chart prefix name to the command line argument. For example:

--set embeddedMariadb.image.tag=latest --set embeddedKafka.replicaCount=2
Last modified July 11, 2022: Release notes for Jun 22 (#165) (a156a5e)