Uninstall Streams

Learn how to uninstall Streams.

1 minute read

To uninstall Streams, run following command:

export NAMESPACE="my-namespace"
export HELM_RELEASE_NAME="my-release"

helm uninstall "${HELM_RELEASE_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}"

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart, and removes the installation.

Note that persistent volume claims, which are required by Kafka and MariaDB, are not deleted after Streams is removed. If you wish to delete them, run the following command:

export NAMESPACE="my-namespace"

kubectl -n "${NAMESPACE}" get persistentvolumeclaims --no-headers=true | awk '/streams/{print $1}' | xargs kubectl delete -n "${NAMESPACE}" persistentvolumeclaims

Similarly, all secrets created for the Streams installation are not deleted after Streams is removed. To delete them, run the following command:

export NAMESPACE="my-namespace"
export HELM_RELEASE_NAME="my-release"

kubectl -n "${NAMESPACE}" delete secrets streams-docker-registry-secret streams-database-passwords-secret streams-database-secret streams-kafka-passwords-secret streams-kafka-client-jks-secret streams-subscriber-sse-jwt-secret central-auth-credentials streams-ingress-tls-secret
Last modified July 11, 2022: Release notes for Jun 22 (#165) (a156a5e)