Get started with Axway Streams

Learn how to create a topic with Streams and automatically publish content with Streams HTTP Poller publisher. Also learn, as a consumer, how to subscribe to a topic using server-sent events (SSE).

2 minute read

Before you start

Create a topic

Topics are a central concepts in Streams and represents a feed of messages. For a topic to be consumed by subscribers, it must first be associated with one publisher in charge of publishing payloads.

In this example, we create a topic associated with a HTTP Poller publisher, which is responsible for polling a target URL and automatically publishing the content retrieved at the given polling period.

To create the topic, perform a request POST /streams/hub/api/v1/topics endpoint with following body:

  "name": "myHttpPollerTopic",
  "publisher": {
    "type": "http-poller",
    "config": {
        "url": "",
        "pollingPeriod": "PT5S"

Publish payloads to the topic

The HTTP Poller publisher starts to poll and publish the content retrieved from the target url as soon as the first subscriber connects to the topic. The polling is automatically stopped after the last subscriber has unsubscribed from the topic.

Subscribe to the topic

Streams provide different event-driven subscribers to allow any consumers to subscribe to a topic. In this example, we will use Streams SSE subscriber by simply opening a terminal and running the following cURL command:

export BASE_URL="base-url"
export TOPIC_ID="topic-id"

curl "${BASE_URL}/streams/subscribers/sse/api/v1/topics/${TOPIC_ID}"
  • base-url depends on your deployment configuration.
  • topic-id is the unique identifier of the topic automatically assigned on creation.

If the connection is successfully established, Streams responds with a 200 OK and send events through your first event-driven API.