Subscription Errors

Describes the different type of errors that can occurs during a subscription to Streams.

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This section is relevant for any type of subscribers.

Errors during subscription

When a problem occurs during subscription, an error event is sent.


    "datetime": "2018-09-03T13:16:02.120Z",
    "subscriptionId": "f6cc363f-6516-4dc9-b1ad-1352fc51fd64",
    "code": 40000,
    "category": "subscription",
    "message": "Subscriber error"

It contains:

Attribute Description
datetime Datetime of the error
subscriptionId Unique identifier of the subscription
code Status code of the error
category Category to which the error belongs. Refer to Error Categories section.
message Human readable message describing the error

For programmatic error processing, only the code and category must be used.

Error Categories

All errors are organized into different categories:

  • subscription for errors that may occur during the client subscription phase
  • server for internal errors that may occur on Streams platform components
  • topic for errors related to the data processing and transformation of a topic
  • publication for errors related to the publication in a topic

Subscription Errors

This error category is intended for situations where the error was caused by the subscriber (client).

    "code": 4xxxx,
    "category": "subscription",
Error Code Description
40000 Subscription error
40400 Bad request
40404 Topic not found
40405 Subscription not found

Topic Errors

This error occurs when an internal error occurs on topic service.

    "code": 60000,
    "category": "topic",
Error Code Description
60000 topic error

Server Errors

This category of errors is intended for situations in which the server is aware that it has encountered an error or is otherwise incapable of performing the request.

    "code": 5xxxx,
    "category": "server",
Error Code Description
50000 Server error
50500 Internal error
50503 Service unavailable

Publication Errors

This category of error is intended for situations in which the error seems to have been caused by the Publisher (Data source).

    "code": 7xxxx,
    "category": "publication",
Error Code Description
70000 Publisher error
70001 Publisher configuration invalid
70002 Publisher startup error
70012 Source unknown error
70013 Source connection error
70014 Source host unknown
70015 Source response size limit exceeded
70016 Unsupported source format
70300 Source redirection unsupported
70400 Source bad request
70401 Source unauthorized
70403 Source forbidden
70404 Source not found
70405 Source method not allowed
70406 Source not acceptable
70408 Source request timeout
70410 Source publication refused
70429 Source too many requests
70500 Source internal server error
70502 Source bad gateway
70503 Source service unavailable
70504 Source gateway timeout