Upgrade Streams

Learn how to upgrade your Streams installation with a new minor version or update your configuration.

1 minute read

To avoid downtime during Streams upgrade, it is recommended to have at least 2 replicas of each pod before upgrading the Chart.


  • Check if there is any specific action to perform for the current release.

Upgrade your Streams installation

Run the following command to upgrade your Streams installation:

export NAMESPACE="my-namespace"
export HELM_RELEASE_NAME="my-release"

helm upgrade "${HELM_RELEASE_NAME}" . [-f values-ha.yaml] -f my-values.yaml  -n "${NAMESPACE}"

Rollback an upgrade

After an upgrade, you can perform a rollback by running the following command:

export NAMESPACE="my-namespace"
export HELM_RELEASE_NAME="my-release"

helm rollback "${HELM_RELEASE_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}"