HTTP poller publisher

Learn how to configure a topic associated to an HTTP poller publisher.

12 minute read

Polling describes the mechanism used to retrieve data from an API - the client first needs to send a request to a server and the server responds by sending the requested data.

Because it is not possible for the client to know when the data is updated, it usually sends requests as often as possible to try to stick to reality and ends up using a lot of bandwidth and resources to receive the same data several times.

Streams provides the ability to instantly turns any request/response API into a real-time event-driven data feed. The HTTP poller publisher polls the target URL at the given period and publish the content in the associated topic.

Streams will then distribute the content (snapshot, computed patches) to all subscribed clients as soon as a change is detected in the response of the target URL.

Understand HTTP poller publisher configuration

The HTTP poller publisher requires the following specific configuration.

Attribute Mandatory Default Value Description
url yes N/A Target URL to request.
pollingPeriod no PT5S (5 sec) Period at witch the target URL will be requested. Min: PT0.5S Max: PT1H. This parameter must follow the ISO-8601 format.
payloadPointer no N/A Defines a JSON pointer to an attribute parameter RFC6901.
headers no N/A Map of key/value pairs that will be injected as HTTP headers when requesting the target URL.
retryOnHttpCodes no 500,503,504 A list of HTTP codes which will trigger the retry. Other codes generate an error without any retry.
retryMaxAttempts no 3 The maximum number of retries in case of errors.
retryBackOffInitialDuration no PT1S Period of time after which the first retry is attempted (ISO-8601 format). Min = PT0S (0s); Max = PT10S (10s).
retryBackOffMaxDuration no PT10S Maximum period of time between two attempts (ISO-8601 format). Min = PT0S (0s); Max = PT60S (60s).
retryBackOffFactor no 0.5 The factor used to determine the next retry duration.
computedQueryParameters no none Map of ComputedQueryParameters that will be injected as query parameters. The key, query parameter name, must use URL-safe characters. For more information, see Unreserved Characters.
authorization no N/A OAuth2 Authorization configuration. For more information, see section OAuth2 Authorization
pagination no N/A Pagination mechanism configuration. For more information, see section Pagination

The following is an example of an HTTP poller publisher:

  "name": "myHttpPollerTopic",
  "publisher": {
    "type": "http-poller",
    "config": {
        "url": "target URL",
        "pollingPeriod": "PT5S",
        "payloadPointer": "/items",
        "headers": {
            "CustomHeader": "value",
            "CustomHeader2": "value1,value2"
        "authorization": {
          "type": "oauth2",
          "clientId": "myclientId",
          "clientSecret": "myclientSecret",
          "provider": "",
          "scope": "READ,WRITE",
          "mode": "body"
        "retryOnHttpCodes": [500,503,504],
        "retryMaxAttempts": 3,
        "retryBackOffInitialDuration": "PT1S",
        "retryBackOffMaxDuration": "PT10S",
        "retryBackOffFactor": 0.5,
        "computedQueryParameters": {
            "computedQueryParam1": {
              "type": "date-time",
              "reference": "last-success",
              "pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"
            "computedQueryParam2": {
              "type": "timestamp",
              "reference": "last-success",
              "useMilliseconds": true,
              "initialValue": 1641224429000
        "pagination" : {
          "mode": "page",
          "page" : {
              "parameterName": "page",
              "initial": 1
          "pageSize" : {
              "parameterName": "pageSize",
              "value": 1
          "nextReference" : {
              "location": "body",
              "type" : "uri",
              "pointer" : "/links/next"

Authorization with OAuth 2.0

The HTTP poller publisher can fetch data from an API that is secured with OAuth2 protocol. Because the HTTP poller publisher authenticates to the authorization server without any end-user interaction, the only OAuth2 authorization grant type supported is the client credentials.

The OAuth2 authorization workflow is implemented with the following limitations:

  • The OAuth2 authorization workflow is initiated on the authorization server URL for the first polling, and the retrieved access token is reused for following requests until it expires.
  • Refresh token mechanism is not implemented.
  • Only access token of type Bearer is supported.
  • The authorization request is made via a POST method on the authorization server, and the client credentials are sent either via header or body.

The following table lists the OAuth2 authorization configuration:

Attribute Mandatory Default value Description
type yes N/A Type of authorization protocol configured on the API. Currently, only oauth2 is supported.
clientId yes N/A The client identifier issued during the registration process.
clientSecret yes N/A The client secret issued during the registration process.
provider yes N/A Target URL of the authorization server.
mode yes header Whether to send client authentication via body or a basic authorization header.
scope no N/A A scope request parameter.

The following is an example of how to implement OAuth authorization:

  "name": "myHttpPollerTopic",
  "publisher": {
    "type": "http-poller",
    "config": {
      "url": "https://myserver/my-api",
      "authorization": {
        "type": "oauth2",
        "clientId": "myclientId",
        "clientSecret": "myclientSecret",
        "provider": "",
        "scope": "READ",
        "mode": "header"

Computed query parameters

Computed query parameters are query parameters injected to the target URL at each polling. They are based on the last-success reference, which is the instant corresponding to the last successful request execution.

Attribute Mandatory Default Value Description
reference yes last-success Defines the reference of the computed query parameter.

DateTime format

You can format the reference value as DateTime. This must follow the Java DateTimeFormatter pattern.

Attribute Mandatory Default Value Description
type yes date-time The reference is formatted in a DateTime format.
pattern no yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ssXXX Pattern used to format the reference.
initialValue no N/A DateTime used when the HTTP Poller Publisher starts publishing data to a topic for the first time. It must follow pattern format. If no value is configured, the HTTP poller publisher will use the default dateTime : currentRequestDateTime - pollingPeriod to make the first request. Subsequent requests are not impacted.

The following is an example of how to dynamically add a from query parameter to the target URL based on the last-success reference with the following format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss, by using the computedQueryParameters attribute with initialValue :

  "name": "myHttpPollerTopic",
  "publisher": {
    "type": "http-poller",
    "config": {
        "url": "https://myserver/my-api",
        "pollingPeriod": "PT1M",
        "computedQueryParameters": {
            "from": {
              "type": "date-time",
              "reference": "last-success",
              "pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss",
              "initialValue": "2021-09-22T09:56:09"

Based on the configured initialValue, the first call to the target URL will be https://myserver/my-api?from=2021-09-22T09:56:09, and the subsequent calls, according to the configured polling period will be: https://myserver/my-api?from=2021-09-23T10:57:09, https://myserver/my-api?from=2021-09-23T10:58:09, https://myserver/my-api?from=2021-09-23T10:59:09, and so on.

Timestamp format

You can format the reference value as a timestamp.

Attribute Mandatory Default Value Description
type yes timestamp The reference is formatted as a Timestamp.
useMilliseconds no false If true, the timestamp is measured in milliseconds, otherwise in seconds.
initialValue no N/A Timestamp used when the HTTP Poller Publisher starts publishing data to a topic for the first time, specified in milliseconds or seconds, depending on what is configured in the useMilliseconds attribute. If no value is configured, the HTTP poller publisher will use the default dateTime : currentRequestDateTime - pollingPeriod to make the first request. Subsequent requests are not impacted

The following is an example of how to add a from query parameter to the target URL based on the last-success reference as a Timestamp, by using the computedQueryParameters attribute with initialValue :

  "name": "myHttpPollerTopic",
  "publisher": {
    "type": "http-poller",
    "config": {
        "url": "https://myserver/my-api",
        "pollingPeriod": "PT60S",
        "computedQueryParameters": {
            "from": {
              "type": "timestamp",
              "reference": "last-success",
              "initialValue": 1641290851

Based on the configured initialValue, the first call to the target URL will be https://myserver/my-api?from=1641290851, and the subsequent calls, according to the configured polling period will be : https://myserver/my-api?from=1641377251, https://myserver/my-api?from=1641377311, https://myserver/my-api?from=1641377371, etc


The pagination section allows you to define how to poll a paginated source.

Streams fetches all the available pages and consolidate the result into a single payload. This consolidation is required because Streams needs to compute the differences between successive payloads when the payload.type is snapshot. The consolidated payload is still limited to 1MB.

The following are the types of pagination supported by the HTTP poller publisher:


In this type of pagination, the set of items is divided into pages. The endpoint accepts a page parameter (integer) indicating the page within the list to be returned, and a pageSize parameter (integer) indicating the number of items per page, for example /items?page=2&pageSize=10.

Attribute Mandatory Default Value Description
mode yes page Defines the page mode to use.
page.parameterName no page Parameter used for the page index.
page.initial no 1 Initial value of the first page. Must be equals to or higher than 0.
pageSize.parameterName no pageSize Parameter used for the number of elements per page.
pageSize.value no 100 Defines the number of items per page. Must be higher than 0.
nextReference.location yes N/A Either body or header. For more information, see section Next reference.
nextReference.type yes N/A Only if location is body. Defines the type of the next reference.
nextReference.pointer yes N/A Only if location is body. JSON pointer to the attribute containing the next reference. For more information, see RFC6901.

The following is an example of an HTTP poller publisher configuration with page pagination mode:

  "name": "topic-with-page-mode",
  "publisher": {
    "type": "http-poller",
    "config": {
      "url": "http://my-host/api",
      "pagination" : {
        "mode": "page",
        "page" : {
            "parameterName": "page",
            "initial": 1
        "pageSize" : {
            "parameterName": "pageSize",
            "value": 100
        "nextReference" : {
            "location": "body",
            "type" : "uri",
            "pointer" : "/links/next"


The offset mode is a similar approach to the page mode, but it uses different parameters, offset and limit.

The offset parameter tells the server the number of items to be skipped, while the limit parameter indicates the number of items to be returned, for example, /items?offset=10&limit=10.

Attribute Mandatory Default Value Description
mode yes offset Defines the page mode to use.
offset.parameterName no offset Parameter used for the page index.
offset.initial no 1 Initial value of the first page. Must be equals to or higher than 0.
limit.parameterName no limit Parameter used for the number of elements per page.
limit.value no 100 Defines the number of items per page. Must be higher than 0.
nextReference.location yes N/A Either body or header. For more information, see section Next reference.
nextReference.type yes N/A Only if location is body. Defines the type of the next reference.
nextReference.pointer yes N/A Only if location is body. JSON pointer to the attribute containing the next reference. For more information, see RFC6901.

The following is an example of an HTTP poller publisher configuration with offset pagination mode:

  "name": "topic-with-page-mode",
  "publisher": {
    "type": "http-poller",
    "config": {
      "url": "http://my-host/api",
      "pagination" : {
        "mode": "offset",
        "offset" : {
            "parameterName": "offset",
            "initial": 1
        "limit" : {
            "parameterName": "limit",
            "value": 100
        "nextReference" : {
            "location": "body",
            "type" : "uri",
            "pointer" : "/links/next"


In this pagination type, the endpoint provides a key parameter that acts as a delimiter of the page. This key parameter must be the same key of the set sort order. For example, if the set is sorted by ID, then the key parameter should be sinceId. The first request does not contain the delimiter parameter. The response of this request contains the value of the key for the last element of the set. The endpoint accepts a key parameter indicating the next elements to start the next page, and a pageSize parameter (integer) indicating the number of items per page, for example /items?since_key=next_key&pageSize=10.

Attribute Mandatory Default Value Description
mode yes keyset Defines the page mode to use .
key.parameterName no since_key Parameter used for the key.
pageSize.parameterName no pageSize Parameter used for the number of elements per page .
pageSize.value no 100 Defines the number of items per page. Must be higher than 0.
nextReference.location yes N/A Either body or header. For more information, see section Next reference.
nextReference.type yes N/A Only if location is body. Defines the type of the next reference.
nextReference.pointer yes N/A Only if location is body. JSON pointer to the attribute containing the next reference. For more information, see RFC6901.

The following is an example of an HTTP poller publisher configuration with keyset pagination mode:

  "name": "topic-with-page-mode",
  "publisher": {
    "type": "http-poller",
    "config": {
      "url": "http://my-host/api",
      "pagination" : {
        "mode": "keyset",
        "key" : {
            "parameterName": "sinceKey"
        "pageSize" : {
            "parameterName": "pageSize",
            "value": 100
        "nextReference" : {
            "location": "body",
            "type" : "uri",
            "pointer" : "/links/next"


Given a set ot items, a cursor will be a piece of data that contains a pointer to an element and the information to get the next elements. The server must return the cursor pointing to the next page in each request. The endpoint accepts a cursor parameter indicating the next element to start the next page, and a pageSize parameter (integer) indicating the number of items per page, for example /items?cursor=next_items_cursor&pageSize=10.

Attribute Mandatory Default Value Description
mode yes cursor Define the page mode to use
cursor.parameterName no cursor Parameter used for the cursor
pageSize.parameterName no pageSize Parameter used for the number of elements per page
pageSize.value no 100 Define the number of items per page. Must be higher than 0
nextReference.location yes N/A Either body or header. For more information, see section Next reference
nextReference.type yes N/A Only if location is body. Defines the type of the next reference
nextReference.pointer yes N/A Only if location is body. JSON pointer to the attribute containing the next reference. For more information, see RFC6901.

The following is an example of an HTTP poller publisher configuration with cursor pagination mode:

  "name": "topic-with-page-mode",
  "publisher": {
    "type": "http-poller",
    "config": {
      "url": "http://my-host/api",
      "pagination" : {
        "mode": "cursor",
        "cursor" : {
            "parameterName": "cursor"
        "pageSize" : {
            "parameterName": "pageSize",
            "value": 100
        "nextReference" : {
            "location": "body",
            "type" : "uri",
            "pointer" : "/links/next"

Next reference

You can define two ways to retrieve the next reference location, regardless the pagination mode chosen. The next reference must be either in the body of the first response or in the header Link.

Body location

If the next reference is part of the first response payload, you must use body as next location. While setting body, you must define the type of the reference and a JSON pointer to retrieve this reference. The type defines whether the reference is an uri or only a value to the next reference. The JSON pointer must point to the attribute in the body containing the next reference.

For example, with a first response:

  "items": [
         "item" : 1
         "item" : 2
  "link": {
    "first": "/first/reference",
    "next" : "/next/reference"

The configuration of the pagination section will look like:

  "pagination" : {
    "mode": "page",
    "nextReference" : {
        "location": "body",
        "type" : "uri",
        "pointer" : "/links/next"

Header location

If the next reference is part of the Link header, you must use header location. For more information, see RFC5988.

The Link header must be designed to support pagination and must be formatted as follows:

<http://my-host/api?per_page=2&page=2>; rel="next", <http://my-host/api?per_page=2&page=36>; rel="last"

Streams retrieves the next reference by finding the next relation in the Link header.

The configuration of the pagination section will look like:

  "pagination" : {
    "mode": "page",
    "nextReference" : {
        "location": "header"

Remove HTTP headers from configuration

To remove a header from the configuration of the publisher, set the header value to null when calling the PATCH /streams/hub/api/v1/topics/{{topicId}} endpoint. For example:

  "publisher": {
    "config": {
        "headers": {
            "CustomHeader": null